I did a lot of traveling last Fall. I have had about five trips via airplane in almost two months. I have been traveling for a while and in all, I’ve been getting some tips and tricks together.

I finally got myself to the point where I'm super organized. Below are some tips for those of you that travel. If you are someone that travels a lot for work or for fun, there are 5 tips that I've learned along the way with all of my travels that will help you.

Pack an Extra Bag for Cosmetics and Toiletries

This is for the ladies. Always have a little makeup bag that has an extra set of all your favorite makeup. There is always an ease of having a bag ready to go whenever you have to travel and not having to pack things up like crazy.

I have an extra little cosmetic bag that I keep all my cosmetics in and an extra travel bag with all the necessities such as contact solution, pair of glasses, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. Everything I need for travel is all there. I put my clothes in my bag and I'm ready to go.

A friend of mine gave me this piece of advice and it has been a game changer ever since.

Keep the Same Schedule and Routine

I have some habits and rituals that I do every day. I never fall sick, exhausted or overwhelmed when I travel and everything always goes smoothly because I keep to my schedules. One of them is keeping a diffuser by my bed at night.

There is a new oil that I use called defense shield. It helps me not to get sick. When you travel always use a diffuser oil. There were sick people around me a couple of times, coughing sneezing, running the nose and I never once got sick. It's because of some of these rituals I do when I travel.

These oils will make a huge difference and help you while you are away.

Pack Your Nutrition

This is a daily non-negotiable. Whether you are traveling on vacation or work trip, no matter what pack your vitamins when you travel. You must avoid falling sick. So, always pack your nutrition when you travel.

I plan accordingly and have everything I need to stay on track all day long when I go out for dinner. I drink my water every single day, healthy shakes, ionics and everything that helps me combat the stress while I'm traveling. My vitamins are always non-negotiable. Bringing them with me helps me stay on track and I don’t want to gain weight when I'm traveling.

A lot of people put on pounds every time they travel. That can be avoided. Always plan accordingly and stay on the same bedtime routine when possible.

Stay on time with your meals too because you don’t want to go to bed with a heavy belly. I like to eat a little earlier and then be digested before I go to sleep but sometimes I don't have control over that. Always make the best choices you can all day long.

Pack Your Workout Clothes

I always workout and try to keep the same schedule as I am at home and do all the things that have become my routine. The more you do these things, they become a habit, it becomes your identity and then you don't want to skip when you're traveling.

When you travel and don’t work out for days, you will begin to feel overwhelmed and sick and feel like you are behind days trying to catch up. It’s never a good feeling.

These are all the great tips that I've learned traveling over the last several years. I hope you find some of them helpful.

Share in the comments: What are your best tips that you have for traveling?

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